"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Saturday, February 19, 2005

My kids taught my Sunday School lesson last week; and did a fair job. Shayla took the lead, ably assisted by what's-her-name...

I felt the urge to share a few details, but time would not permit.

This week, I have a lesson on A of F #4, and the manual recommends making it a two-part lesson. SO: I'm going to do three mini-lessons: I'm going to share my observations from last week, then I'm going to share the answer to a question I've been pondering for some time; "why DID we agree to enter mortality in the first place?". From there, I will segue' neatly into the first half of lesson #7; "the First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel". All told, it should be an interesting 30-40 mins.

I'm experiencing a little turmoil at the moment. Principles of the gospel and obligations I took on with my covenants are the cause. To wit: I have let some things slide for so long that it may now be impossible (without divine assistance) for me to take those oppotunities to recieve the blessings that would come from living those parts of the gospel...and I REALLY want them! Ironic, no? I finally get a testimony of the law of sacrifice...and my situation demands that I am not allowed to live it. Yet.

I want to pay a full tithe...AND offerings. I can at least volunteer a little more of my time in Service. I want to go to the Temple. I can at least strengthen and perfect my worthiness to be there. I can devote more time and effort to the callings I have. I want to live more happily with my wife. I can work on that...at least, I can work on my part of it. I must face the fact that I and I alone made much of the mess I am in. I feel obligated to find my own way through it; though I know the Lord stands ready to help. I just don't know if I dare ask Him to bail me out of this...

These will be "learning times"...

L took Coral to her appt with the Child Psychologist. As usual, Coral's "issues" are all with me. Apparently I'm not spending enough "quality time" with my daughter. SO...

We both went along for the Scout's ride along Boundary Bay this morning. We only did half of the route the boys did. This was, after all, Coral's very first trail ride. She rode with me several kilometres from Mud Bay to Boundary Airfield and back. Took about two hours. She did very well, and we got very dirty; had to thouroughly detox both bikes before we could pack up and go home.

I bought Colin a little 2$ electronic kit-in-a-box. It's a noisemaker that uses the variable resistance of a graphite trace on paper to vary the output of an oscillator circuit hooked up to a tiny speaker. Amazingly enough, it actually works! Coral was so impressed that she asked if she could get one too, and offered to buy it with her own money. She got a Burglar Alarm. L figures Coral could get both her cycling AND electricity badges for this. We had a lot of fun, too...

It's been a pretty tranquil time around chez Sanderson recently...this feels a lot like the calm before the storm...which makes it sound like it can't last but what if it COULD? I wonder if I am able to work myself up to being this wonderful ALL the time? To DREEEEEAM the imPOSSible DREEEEEEEEEEEEAM!!! Which would I prefer? Tranquil and serene home life or hot 'n heavy sex life? Both, actually...but I'll take what I can get of either. (hubba hubba!)

Money is getting to be kind of an issue. As usual, the issue with money is the lack thereof. L wonders aloud when will I be working some more overtime? So long as L holds the purse strings...we ain't got any extra for extras...and that includes tithes. I want to act unilaterally, but I've already had pretty clear (and prophetic) warnings NOT to do so.

At least taxes aren't a problem. I found a straightforward site that will prepare a straightforward return for the modest sum of 10$. This is probably the cheapest you'll ever get away with while filing your taxes electronically in Canada; but there are some provisos. E-filed returns, of course, get very prompt attention and quicker refunds. That's the point of E-filing.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Happy February;

Hmmm, let's see:

My Book: I looked at all the files recently and realized I had 17 chapters and over 75 pages of material (more, if you include the illustrations I haven't put in yet). I am currently playing with an outline; trying to get it all in some semblance of order - 'cause I certainly can't publish it in the order that I wrote it!

I need an Editor.

Work: Patio season is upon us. The only blemish on this happy time is the fact that we have a new Head in the purchasing office in Toronto. Head has decided that we are going to try "pricing by Wal-mart". In other words, we're going to sell OUR patio sets for whatever price undercuts the local Wal-mart store in whatever part of the Country that Wal-mart is selling the same, or similar, patio furniture. If they sell for more...so do we. The reason I mention this is because the Head has sent the word down from on high that none of our suppliers are to put PRICETAGS on the merchandise they ship us. Well, these first sets are the cheapies; the high-volume/low-price items, and we didn't order in time for them to be re-labelled...so we're running around with "pink pearl" erasers, rubbing out the prices!

These patio sets are also reverse-engineered from the packaging backward: 100 sets cubes out a 40' shipping container almost perfectly, and is very easy to offload, to boot. If it weren't for the label alterations, we would be flying through these.

Business: Things must be tough all over, I have had more than one friend/relative approach me about some Home Based Opportunity or other. If it isn't selling used computer parts on Ebay, it's hanging out me shingle as a consulting tech (a tech that consults an expert over the phone).


I am getting the bike itch again, big time. Spring could be very profitable, IF I start soon.

Which brings me to:

Bikes: Black Beauty's bottom bracket (say THAT three times fast) packed it in last week. Like the orginal rockshox fork it was equipped with, which hasn't been made for years; the bottom bracket is old technology that isn't made anymore. This is what you get when you work with "recycled" parts.

The bearings are pressed into place. Not threaded, pressed; as in with a big industrial machine that I don't have and can't even HOPE to duplicate.

I am so hooped.

The easiest solution I can come up with is to re-build BB on an all new frame. I will be taking steps to obtain one in the near future. I tried Dave Fulton first, but the MTB frame bike he had got stolen.

Speaking of stolen bikes, I'd like to head down to Nordel Ravine sometime soon with the Scout Troop and see if we can recover a few...there have been enough "liberated" bikes dumped down there that you can see them from the street above!

I installed the new Pheonix light system and flasher on Big Red, as well as the new tires I got for Xmas. BR rides really well, but still doesn't do so well in the rain. I may consider a re-build on Red. I would LOOOOVE to get that Minelli frame off of Dave, but he doesn't want to sell it. I guess I better keep a weather eye out for new bike-fodder during Spring Cleanup this year. Time to do some curbside trash-picking!