Live and learn;
Van project week one:
The 1994 (white) is stripped down. Finally...
Lost three days to pouring rain.
-One broken 1/2 in. ratchet. I dropped it, and it literally flew apart.
-One broken exhaust flange bolt. Brute force and ignorance triumphs again!
-Broken corner on timing belt cover. Not bad...a little duct tape should cover it.
-TWO useless tools purchased. A one piece cam sprocket tool bought from Lordco for 60$ and subsequently returned again. A two piece tool bought from princess auto...which I still haven't got 'round to returning.
-A bodged-together cam sprocket tool made from some angle bracket and some high tensile allen bolts. Should last long enough to get the cam sprockets off of (and back onto) both engines.
I have marks on various engine parts for re-assembly...and an already assembled engine to look at if I need to. The only difficult part about the job thus far has been trying to follow the procedure(s) in the Chilton's Manual I got from the Library. I may have to use the new copier/printer that came with this laptop to copy the relevant pages with the specs and torque settings I need. Having Lorne Kintrea here earlier this week was great. He really knows his way around an engine! I just hope I can get 'er all back together again before I forget how.
It was gratifying to find I was right about the cause of the flooded cylinders: a head gasket breached right over the #1 cylinder. This explains the coolant in the inboard side of the block...but not the water I found in the outboard side!. There are no obvious cracks in the heads or block...and no connection between that #1 cylinder and the other side of the engine thru the intake...that I know of. There is a connection thru the exhaust, of course, but I don't see any traces of water inside the manifolds, or the crossover pipe.
I return to work next Monday...unless I pull a fast one and request a 3rd week of vacation. I need to finish the white van and get it running. I can then switch my insurance from the Junk Tank to the van, and move the 1995 (green) van into the driveway...where I will proceed to DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN...
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Hello again, been awhile, hasn't it?

This is a longer view from the same spot...this "pre built" structure just happens to be the same width (more or less) as the very narrow Patullo Bridge deck. Convienient, no?

Here's a view from the south side, surrey end of the bridge...showing that the homeless are still, in fact, camping out under this bridge. Or, so it seems, they were...

Finally, a close up of the underside showing scorch damage. The sooner they replace this monster, the better...
Okay, so other than taking pictures of potentially suspicious civic eyesores...what other troubles have I been getting into?
Well, I helped out Gloria.
Gloria is setting up a DIY business with the help of her Landlady/friend/host in Merritt. She needed a few things for their home cards, a network router, and a fax machine. These are all things that it is much easier to get cheap down here in the Lower Mainland than in Merritt. After all; they're just a Craigslist posting away...
So I found all what she was looking for, and for under 60$ too. But I couldn't find anyone who could deliver them to Merritt on time. Gloria needed the business cards particularily by last weekend for a local Home Show in Merritt. I didn't get the package together until thursday night and I couldn't find anyone who could get it to Merritt overnight in time for Saturday morning.
So I took it there myself.
Let us note two facts: my 1992 Eagle Summit Wagon is a beater. I've taken to referring to it as the "junk tank". It has a tendency to overheat and it cannot shift higher than third gear. Highway travel in this vehicle is not recommended. It works just fine as a commuter, but don't be doing any long road trips...
Merritt is 275kms away from Vancouver.
In light of those two facts, AND my need to keep my word and get this stuff to Gloria in time for it to be some help to her in her current endeavor...I hit upon a plan.
I would drive up at night. It was cold at night, right? Overheating shouldn't be a problem...
This plan worked...almost too well.
It began snowing lightly by the time I reached the Fraser Valley. This was at about 2AM...
By the time I reached the Coquihalla summit, the storm was in full fury and the roadway was beginning to disappear. This caused me to slow my rate of speed somewhat. By the time I got to the Nicola Valley, at about 4:20AM (no jokes, please), the snow had just started falling there. This after most of the previous winter snow had already melted a week or two before!
The engine did not overheat on the trip. But it did almost freeze. So did I.
I called Gloria at 6AM saturday and spent a couple hours napping once I reached the house. Then we went to breakfast at the local landmark hotel (whose name escapes me at the moment).
An hour later at about 11AM I was back on the highway, which had disappeared for the most part...with the snow still falling heavily. I joined a snaking line of fellow travellers plowing their way thru the ice and muck...for the most part, we followed the big trucks, there wasn't much else to navigate by. All thru the journey, I didn't worry...and I'm not really sure why. I had no assurance whatsoever except a gut feeling that I would make it back home safe.
Huh? Why yes, yes I do believe in Divine Providence...what of it?
But that's not the trouble I'm getting into now...
I need to replace the Junk Tank.
The used car market in Vancouver is realllllly strange right now. There's a very high end; consisting of listings for new or nearly new lease vehicles, with the owners wanting somebody to take over the remainder of the lease. Some owners even offer cash incentives and 1-3 months worth of lease payments thrown in to sweeten the deal! Then there's the very low end: beaters. One thousand dollars and under, frequently 500 dollars and under, with people just wanting these vehicles they don't need, and don't want to spend money fixing; gone.
And there's very little in between. With the current economic crises...most people who have a used car that is running well and still holds a little value, are keeping it.
Now, a few years back I used some "inside knowledge" about GM fleet cars to get a good deal on a "fixer upper" Cavalier. My Ex is still driving it, and even before she was my Ex, it served her and I very well. If a "fleet" vehicle has a known flaw that undercuts it's re-sale value, and you know how to repair that flaw for cheap; you may be able to find yourself a real bargain.
I was carefull, however, to limit my scheme back then to vehicles with a simple, four cylinder engine. Four cylinder engines are easy to work on. Some of them are ridiculously easy to work on. I have deliberately avoided "fixer upper" vehicles with V6 or V8 engines as I had a bad experience a number of years ago.
One week before L and I were married, I agreed to do a ring job on my friend Spencer's used ford station wagon. That's one of the few times I had to walk away from a job. Oh, we got the engine repaired and re-assembled, all right; but Spencer had to send it away to a real mechanic to get it running again. There was just too much about that big V8 I was unfamiliar with. I have avoided even looking at vehicles unless they had an inline four cylinder engine.
Until now...
I got a line on a 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.0 litre V6. The 3.0 was an option on the 1994 model, and this one has a leaky head gasket. I've read the procedures, and I *think* I can pull it off.
Of course, it also helps that the owner is selling it for 200$
Then I got a line on a 1995 Caravan (base model) with the same engine and the same problem!
So I decided to buy both.
What's the worst that could happen?
Well...I could be stuck with two whopping towage fees, and find myself unable to effect the repair properly...and end up scrapping both for a 50$ tax credit (each). I'd still be out 300$ bucks the towing costs!
And I would still need a car to replace the Junk Tank!
Why do I do this to myself?
Oh what trouble I make for myself!
First, let's finish off some business from my last entry:
Here's some pictures of the Patullo Bridge Fix:

That's from under the bridge on the north side, south (surrey) end. Note charred and blackened concrete. Are they sure this repair is "safe"?

This is a longer view from the same spot...this "pre built" structure just happens to be the same width (more or less) as the very narrow Patullo Bridge deck. Convienient, no?

Here's a view from the south side, surrey end of the bridge...showing that the homeless are still, in fact, camping out under this bridge. Or, so it seems, they were...

Finally, a close up of the underside showing scorch damage. The sooner they replace this monster, the better...
Okay, so other than taking pictures of potentially suspicious civic eyesores...what other troubles have I been getting into?
Well, I helped out Gloria.
Gloria is setting up a DIY business with the help of her Landlady/friend/host in Merritt. She needed a few things for their home cards, a network router, and a fax machine. These are all things that it is much easier to get cheap down here in the Lower Mainland than in Merritt. After all; they're just a Craigslist posting away...
So I found all what she was looking for, and for under 60$ too. But I couldn't find anyone who could deliver them to Merritt on time. Gloria needed the business cards particularily by last weekend for a local Home Show in Merritt. I didn't get the package together until thursday night and I couldn't find anyone who could get it to Merritt overnight in time for Saturday morning.
So I took it there myself.
Let us note two facts: my 1992 Eagle Summit Wagon is a beater. I've taken to referring to it as the "junk tank". It has a tendency to overheat and it cannot shift higher than third gear. Highway travel in this vehicle is not recommended. It works just fine as a commuter, but don't be doing any long road trips...
Merritt is 275kms away from Vancouver.
In light of those two facts, AND my need to keep my word and get this stuff to Gloria in time for it to be some help to her in her current endeavor...I hit upon a plan.
I would drive up at night. It was cold at night, right? Overheating shouldn't be a problem...
This plan worked...almost too well.
It began snowing lightly by the time I reached the Fraser Valley. This was at about 2AM...
By the time I reached the Coquihalla summit, the storm was in full fury and the roadway was beginning to disappear. This caused me to slow my rate of speed somewhat. By the time I got to the Nicola Valley, at about 4:20AM (no jokes, please), the snow had just started falling there. This after most of the previous winter snow had already melted a week or two before!
The engine did not overheat on the trip. But it did almost freeze. So did I.
I called Gloria at 6AM saturday and spent a couple hours napping once I reached the house. Then we went to breakfast at the local landmark hotel (whose name escapes me at the moment).
An hour later at about 11AM I was back on the highway, which had disappeared for the most part...with the snow still falling heavily. I joined a snaking line of fellow travellers plowing their way thru the ice and muck...for the most part, we followed the big trucks, there wasn't much else to navigate by. All thru the journey, I didn't worry...and I'm not really sure why. I had no assurance whatsoever except a gut feeling that I would make it back home safe.
Huh? Why yes, yes I do believe in Divine Providence...what of it?
But that's not the trouble I'm getting into now...
I need to replace the Junk Tank.
The used car market in Vancouver is realllllly strange right now. There's a very high end; consisting of listings for new or nearly new lease vehicles, with the owners wanting somebody to take over the remainder of the lease. Some owners even offer cash incentives and 1-3 months worth of lease payments thrown in to sweeten the deal! Then there's the very low end: beaters. One thousand dollars and under, frequently 500 dollars and under, with people just wanting these vehicles they don't need, and don't want to spend money fixing; gone.
And there's very little in between. With the current economic crises...most people who have a used car that is running well and still holds a little value, are keeping it.
Now, a few years back I used some "inside knowledge" about GM fleet cars to get a good deal on a "fixer upper" Cavalier. My Ex is still driving it, and even before she was my Ex, it served her and I very well. If a "fleet" vehicle has a known flaw that undercuts it's re-sale value, and you know how to repair that flaw for cheap; you may be able to find yourself a real bargain.
I was carefull, however, to limit my scheme back then to vehicles with a simple, four cylinder engine. Four cylinder engines are easy to work on. Some of them are ridiculously easy to work on. I have deliberately avoided "fixer upper" vehicles with V6 or V8 engines as I had a bad experience a number of years ago.
One week before L and I were married, I agreed to do a ring job on my friend Spencer's used ford station wagon. That's one of the few times I had to walk away from a job. Oh, we got the engine repaired and re-assembled, all right; but Spencer had to send it away to a real mechanic to get it running again. There was just too much about that big V8 I was unfamiliar with. I have avoided even looking at vehicles unless they had an inline four cylinder engine.
Until now...
I got a line on a 1994 Dodge Grand Caravan with a 3.0 litre V6. The 3.0 was an option on the 1994 model, and this one has a leaky head gasket. I've read the procedures, and I *think* I can pull it off.
Of course, it also helps that the owner is selling it for 200$
Then I got a line on a 1995 Caravan (base model) with the same engine and the same problem!
So I decided to buy both.
What's the worst that could happen?
Well...I could be stuck with two whopping towage fees, and find myself unable to effect the repair properly...and end up scrapping both for a 50$ tax credit (each). I'd still be out 300$ bucks the towing costs!
And I would still need a car to replace the Junk Tank!
Why do I do this to myself?