"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Sunday, January 31, 2010

What do I want?

I think my midlife crisis is setting in.

And not a moment too soon...

I bought a VW Golf. A 1997 model, as anything from 1998 onwards is subject to OBD analysis when going through Air Care. It's a whole lot easier on gas than the Caravan was, and really fun to drive, to boot. Of course, the current rumor is that the BC government is going to "phase out" Air Care sometime after march of this year. I'll believe it when I see it: entrenched, sprawling, revenue-generating bureaucracies don't generally just "go away" without a fight.

I still have to get the Cavalier fixed and sold off. I am seriously thinking of donating it to charity...or perhaps the proceeds of the sale. My intention when I bought all four vehicles last year was that one of them was going towards generating some good karma. After two of them died, however, my options for charity work narrowed somewhat.

I also need to get the garage in shape. I want a workshop!! The task is arduous, but I think it will be worthwhile.

I need to get myself in shape. I'm toying with the idea of riding the BC Ride To Conquer Cancer in June. This is actually going to require a little re-organization of my place. Keith P will have his car on the road in April and I can finally retire my jersey as the DC 507 "designated delta carpool driver". Then I can go back to riding the bike to work daily. I don't know if two months of daily riding is sufficient prep time for a 200km+, two-day bike ride, but I suppose I could get in some stationary bike time - starting now. The other aspect is getting my family and friends to pony up the donations to sponsor me.

I want to be single again. I have tried to push the process along...but with no success. I'm kind of stuck here.

I really need a vacation. A getaway. Preferably with some good company...other than my kids. Or am I just wishing for a do-over of the Honeymoon???

Currently on tap I've got a bicycle to overhaul for Marv, Coral wants me to try to fix her Toshiba laptop. I am toying with the idea of getting her a new netbook instead. I could then give the Toshiba to Colin.

And the Divorce. Always the Divorce.