Man oh MAN! - where to begin?
I got in trouble AGAIN at work - this time for raising my voice to a co-worker who is a friend of mine. I am still under probation for shooting my mouth off to the dept. co-ordinator. Section Manager has let me know in NO uncertain terms that if this happens again I am GONE, longtime service or no. Actually, he should probably have fired my ass anyway, but I'm nonetheless grateful that he DIDN'T...
--is squared away, should have no further problems.
...Sigh, I have probably come closer to being fired on more occaisions than anyone else still working there...this is a distinction of sorts; tho' I DON'T recommend it.
Second major event happened on the 14th. I had a 1PM start as our workload was backing up a little. About 2PM...I almost killed another driver...
I won't say anything else about it except to say that if the other driver had been watching where he was going - the whole incedent wouldn't have happened. As it was, the fact that he was proceeding at very slow speed saved him from getting a fork through the ribcage. If he had been travelling at normal speed, he would have been killed and neither he nor I would have known what had happened until it was all over...
...I've had nightmares about something like that happening.
I was a good boy and reported the whole thing to the acting dept. head (regular guy is on vacation). He's a good guy, did it by the book, took statements from both of us and proceeded with a preliminary investigation. 90 minutes later Randy told me that I would be paid the rest of my hours for that day, but that I should GO HOME...he figured the perfect ending to the day would be to knock out a sprinkler head or something. I REALLY appreciate being sent home...I was still shaking from the near-miss and I had spent the last hour-and-a-half driving like a Granny. Following Tuesday I was told to not operate any of the machinery until the investigation (now under Management review) was complete. That took until thursday. Both the other driver and myself have been re-instated...BUT...I feel dissatisfied somehow. I don't know how to put it into words; but there has never been a fatality in this building, and I am VERY disappointed that I was involved in a near-fatality...especially as it has been hinted at that this isn't the first such incident to occur - this is supposed to make me feel BETTER??!
More news: I got Taras' bike pack-rack built...and it works! About 16$ in parts, it is part IKEA desktop widget, part 10-24 threaded rod and 3/8th nuts - and a WHOLE lot of Permetex threadlock. I was initially worried that the 'prototype' was too flimsy for the job intended...but I soon found out how durable my creation was.
Taras swapped paint with a Motorist on his way to work Thursday morning.
He's OK, but will need some physio to get the kinks worked out. No broken bones, but probably will end up with some whiplash and a LOT of bruising. No internal damage that he can tell, but he WAS on concussion watch for 24hrs or so. His #1 bike is a write-off, but the luggage and rack survived without damage! Guilty Pleasure: I was sorry to hear he'd been in an accident, but at the same time pleased that my invention had stood up so well under 'extreme' conditions!
Our House: a work in progress...
Or: two steps forward, one step back...
Figured out why the lawnmower kept choking up: had the blade set too low. The back yard gradient is so uneven that only by setting the mower blade at its HIGHEST setting can you get a half-decent cut without any breakdowns. Of course, this means I have to mow the grass no more than 7 days apart...sigh. While re-doing the lighting in the workshop I found out that we now have TWO leaks in the shop roof/deck surface. One is where the stupid Beagle chewed through the fibreglas mat sealing the join between the shop and the rest of the deck, the other was worn thru over winter. I can re-do the worn thru part, but Grandpa has suggested some metal flashing over the joint seam...I have to agree, it's a good idea. He initially suggested running the flashing right off the edge of the garage roof to the deck surface, to get around the hackneyed flashing job our contractor did. I may have to get him to come with me and sketch out what he has in mind. For sure we have no lack of Alum roofing sheet to make the flashings with.
Donovan Sterling: where ARE YOUUUUU???
Haven't heard from Don the Mon lately, he hasn't turned on his ICQ in how am I going to co-ordinate my efforts to get to Fragapalooza? I am just about ready to chuck the whole thing... and at the same time I am desparate enough to try some really creative ways to raise the cash. I have tried and Tried and TRIED to sell my #2 bike, the 1150$ wunderbike, but no bites so far...
To anyone else besides ME who reads this 'blog...
I am selling a 16" 'comfort' bike - a 1994 Norco Kodiak. It has an OS 6061 Alum frame and alloy-quick-release EVERYTHING. Shimano gripshifters and derailleurs, v-brakes. It's a 21-speed, no suspension, hardcore daily commuter. Weighs about 20, I'm NOT kidding.
So why am I getting rid of it? It's TOO SHORT. Seriously, I've got an extra-long seatpost on there and it is NOT helping...I've already built a replacement and it's working out fine. I had intended to keep the kodiak as my backup ride, but I NEED THE MONEY...
300$ cdn, O.B.O. I'll ship anywhere in North America - who pays shipping depends on how far away I have to ship it...
contact me at yer interested.
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
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