The Sublime and the Cynical...
Laurie's 2nd year in a row with the Surrey Stake Cantata Choir!
Pretty good performance, all things considered. I got chills during "Hark the Herald Angels", I swear the entire chapel was vibrating. Mebbe less "inspirational messages", and more singing, ok?
The Cynical...
I made the mistake of listening to the 11PM news. Two stories caught my attention: Keiko the "Free Willy" Killer Whale finally kicked the bucket, but at least he did it with DIGNITY, back in the waters of his birth. Our main mammal K was a tank kept boyo for most of his life; so the BH's who got him paroled shouldn't feel too bad about his "failure to thrive". Any Parole Officer will tell you: long term imprisonment can destroy the will to survive, let alone any sort of relevant survival skills. Mebbe the BH's should have left well enough alone? I can't say for sure if Keiko would still be alive in a tank in Mexico with meals served daily and round-the-clock 'on call' veteranary care; but let's just say the odds were better and leave it at that...
St. Lazare, Quebec. A pleasant little bilingual town in La Belle Provence. The OLF has decided, in its infinite wisdom, that because St. Lazare isn't officially bilingual, the town isn't permitted to have any english whatsoever on a dozen or so 'welcome' signs around town. I may follow this one; I just wanna see what happens when the OLF starts in on the local businessmen!
Fer Cryin' Out Loud!!! St. Lazare is the embodiment of the Federaliste dream of a bilingual community. It sounds like the little town could teach the REST of La Belle Provence a thing or two about preserving languages and cultures - BOTH of them! The OLF, say the town citizens, "is just here to sow contention and prejudice". Of course they are, sweetheart, that's their JOB...
I have one more week slugging at work and then I am off for the rest of the YEAR...all eight days or so...
More Later.
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
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