"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

You better STOP, neighbor; what's that sound, evvybody look what's goin' DOWN...

Richmond Ward is dead. There is no pulse. There is no congregation to keep the congregational chapel open. After all, somebody's gotta pay the bills...


We had a Tri-ward Meeting Sunday before last. Richmond Ward got an infusion from Delta Ward, and Delta Ward got an infusion from Third Ward, and everybody's happy. Richmond and Delta both got new Bishops.
Dan Davies no longer attends our ward, I'm going to miss him...
Delta Ward no longer has an Elder's Quorum Presidency, and the Home Teaching lists will have to be re-done. Exciting times ahead, hooboy...

I am on vacation this week, and have just completed the stairs. I still have to put up the railing, but I finally got the treads and nose moldings in place. Laurie sez "they don't look right"...

Laurie has decided to go to the island on a whim...she'll leave tomorrow and be back in two days. She is heading off to collect some Dallman family history and documents, all for her genealogy.

Genealogy (among other things) is none too secure on this machine. If not for the backup & recovery system I managed to cobble together, this thing would have crashed catastrophically twice over by now. It soldiers on, gasping its last but never quite expiring. I'm afraid to switch it off at night...

I have a dream:

I dream of owning a set of bicycle shop tools, like the 100$ set made by Specialized that I saw in Gunners' shop. I was chatting with Taras recently, and when I pointed out that I had most of the tools in the set already, and that I wanted the Specialized toolkit both for the tools I have yet to acquire AND for the prestige, he pointed out that I could probably go to Cap's or some other LBS and buy only the tools I need to complete my collection. He suggested this after I owned as how I didn't have the ca$h to buy the 100$ kit and finding the money was a little difficult.

I still have most of the money I've saved up, but I haven't found time yet to go to cap's and obtain the necessary. What I want to do is breakdown the 5 speed cassette that doesn't work on my 27" alloy rim, and re-build it as a 6 speed that does work. I don't know if this is do-able, but I don't even have the tools at present to make the attempt. I also want the tools for my next project: a "no-weld" recumbent bike to be constructed from the two Raleigh Portage frames I have. I tried to race a recumbent down Westminster Highway last Wednesday and I could barely keep up with him. He was hardly exerting at all! My first thought: "I have GOT to get me one of those!". I promised to get myself back into bike building once a) I got the proper tools and b) I got the floors finished...

I STILL have to re-paint the deck rail and stairs...

Oh, and we may be hiring a contractor to fix the leaks in the deck.

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