"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Friday, January 07, 2005

Happy New Year!


The water pump on the car packed it in early last week, so after some nail-biting moments while I confirmed that it was the pump and not the ENGINE that was spouting coolant all over the driveway...

Honestly, I don't know WHAT I would have done if that engine needed MORE work. I just did the head, if it turned out the block needed machining too, I would probably have given up and had a new engine installed. One of my problems is that I tend to anticipate the worst...

So the water pump needed replacing. I didn't get to it on Monday, but something told me I had BETTER get to it on Tuesday...

...so I did; took three hours, most of it after sunset. No more leaks (so far).

Then, the snows came...

We have to locate our snow shovel; thus far we haven't needed a snow shovel, but we certainly do NOW. No mail delivery unless I clear off the walk this weekend. I won't be riding the bike for a few weeks, that's for certain. I don't DO snow...

Work is proceeding as usual. I haven't taken any more time off or any sick days (despite severe temptation). Surprise! my commute to and from work has been really easy; if only other commuters in the Lower Drainland had it so good.

I go to clean the chapel tomorrow morning, I will probably be giving someone a ride to the chapel as well. I may have to call Greg Cuervin to confirm.

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