"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Monday, November 28, 2005

This thing is gettin' to be a pain in the @ss...

I just KNOW I got some little critter in there on the hard drive that's eating up lotsa CPU cycles. The optimouse cursor is acting like it's got the DT's.

I swapped to the roller mouse, that takes care of the cursor troubles...now if only my wireless connexion would stop choking in the clutch...geez, it's like I'm using DIALUP again...

We're going shopping for a tree...again.

Never mind that we have nowhere to PUT the @#$%^&*!!! thing, never mind the mess, the needles, the pine tar, cutting the @#$%^&**!!! base and fitting it into our @#$%^&*!!! Xmas tree holder, keeping the @#$%^&**!!! thing watered...

But I don't mean to go on about it...

I SO wanna get a fake tree. We need a new snow shovel too. This may be the first winter since I lived with my folks that we've actually NEEDED a snow shovel. I'm pricing out a fair one at Superstore for 20$. We can probably do better at Home Depot. Since we're going to be at Home Depot picking up the d@mn tree...

Speaking of Xmas decorations: check out this site

Remember that idea of using a Gaffer's pole and Gaffing hooks to hang the Xmas lights? Someone else had the same idea. They're for sale at my local Superstore. Gotta get me one of those!!

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