The Sanderson Family Garage Sale:
Was a fair success...
We made about $100 bucks.
Laurie is REALLY committed to this financial responsibility thing...
She left the house with 100$ in her pocket and DID NOT splurge...
She bought school supplies for the kids instead. She reasoned that 1) we were going to have to purchase school supplies in a couple of weeks and 2) we have the money on hand now, so...
I am proud of my wife. I ought to follow her example more often.
Grant is Elder's Quorum president...again.
They don't usually call people to the same calling twice in successive years. The Delta Ward EQ needs a lot of work. Grant no less than any other Elder in the ward. We got off to a good start by going to visit Greg Kervin this morning before church. Was a good visit.
I still "heathened" and left early...
This evening, I got to impress my daughter's friends with my bicycle wrenching savvy; I took a few minutes to patch a tire on one of their bikes, while delivering an annoted lecture on bike tire repair. They eventually got bored and started a game of "ma-fia" on the which time I was finished. My daughter is moderately impressed.
Getting my son to eat a full meal is becoming a chore. He's at the age where the menu of foods he will eat has actually got shorter, and getting enough food into his tummy is becoming a real game 'o strategy. Coral has progressed to the point where she will at least try new things. She will be a teenager soon, and then we can stop worrying; teenagers will eat anything.
Colin heads off to day camp tomorrow...boy! keeping that kid supplied with outlets for his boundless supply of energy is getting to be a chore...
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
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