My new nephew Jacob was born 10 days ago (Aug. 30). I have seen him, he's a beautiful baby boy. As only newborns can be, he is just so darned cute. Grant will probably give his son a name and a blessing today. I've been skipping church lately...I'm a bad boy.
L is going out with her folks and Granpa to the Delta Town'n Country Inn. They serve a decent brunch. Mom-in-law Trude is having kittens over the possibility that Granpa will make a scene at the restaurant.
Coral wants to take guitar lessons...and borrow mommy's "axe". No dice. She's already into the Tae Kwon Do dojang for 500$ clams, thankewverymuch.
Colin is now reading at his level. Maybe a little above. L is still working with him daily, and she says that he surprises her sometimes.
I...still have to lay another coat of paint on the deck. I've been using Bob's paint gun to speed the process somewhat. Portions of the deck rail are beyond hope and will have to be dismantled and re-done. Thus far, I only have to re-secure one post and re-build one section of the railing. This round of painting is to try to keep ahead of the rot.
Rode the bike this week. Five of six days means another 100+ km on the clock. I am feeling pretty good. Still haven't finished the cyclocross bike, but I have figured out a way to re-mount the original brakes so they won't break loose.
We really need to make another run to the dump. Renovations will pick up again once we have some spare ca$h again. The Tae Kwon Do lessons were a major hit to our monthly expenses.
Ah well, at least Coral is happy (for now). The Grrrl-age is in training to become a teenager.
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
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