"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Blogger is pissing me off.

Yes, I can use the word "piss"...it's in the Bible; along with "hell", "damnation" and "Raca" (whatever that means).


I'm using the "blog this!" feature on the direct-linked page. When saved as a draft, the entry automagically takes me to my homepage. From there, I can edit and view posts just as if I had successfully signed on as before. Perhaps it's just me, but I prefer to be able to view the last few posts I've made when writing new ones. The Gooooogle sign in procedure is stupid, and didn't even work when I had finally gotten everything typed in correctly after the umpteenth try. None too secure, especially if I can use the direct link (tagged with a scripted ID number) to go around the sign-in procedure.

If you can't beat 'em, ignore 'em...only on the internet.

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