Well, it doesn't run...
I think I set the static timing wrong. I may have over-finessed the position of the distributor rotor...or maybe it just needs a new rotor and cap. I'll pull it and check it over tomorrow. I also tried to hook up the new battery the wrong way around and almost fried something...
Today has not been a terrific day.
We're hip deep in stock transfers. We're also short staffed. I was switching between a short reach and a high reach to both pick and load the transferred stock. I was using a high reach to shove a skid off a loading ramp and into a trailer...
...when I rolled down the loading ramp and hit the bottom of the overhead door with the reach mast.
Now, this is only about the sixth or seventh time a loading door has been hit this way. We all know that the high reach machines are never, ever supposed to be anywhere near a loading ramp...
Disregard the rules and correct procedures at your peril...and it will bite you on the ass.
Especially if you are honest enough to 'fess up afterward.
"By the Book Brian" is not going to be bringing high reaches anywhere near the loading ramps.
Plus, I have to re-take the OPAL course on Machine Operator Safety. Last time this happened they made me re-certify.
It took MONTHS. I am not kidding. I was taken off the machine on or about November 15, 2007 for a "rack bump" that may or may not have actually occurred. But as I am an honest soul, I reported it anyway and even though there was no evidence at all...I still admitted that I had not been "following procedure" to Carlos. I finally got re-instated January 19, 2008...once the planets were aligned and the moon was in the fifth house of Aquarius. I do try to be on good terms with people; especially people I work with...but I didn't like Carlos. I really didn't like the way the whole thing was handled, either.
"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"
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