"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Sunday, April 08, 2018

Sorry kids, I found a new hobby.

WHERE have I been...?

On Quora.

"Question Or Answer".  My card: https://www.quora.com/profile/Brian-R-Sanderson

So there's that.

Okay...so here's a rundown on what I'm up to lately:

  • Barry Kemp -- fine gentleman that he is, handed me some graphics projects that took a "borrowed" copy (thanks Peter!) of Photoshop and some weeks of time to finish.  Final result: I know a little about Photoshop and just what it is that Graphic Designers do all day.
  • Barry also handed me off an old HP laptop that I in turn handed off to Kane Brunsch to see if he could fix the video (intermittent fault).  Kane will be getting back to me in a few days.
  • Just had a Family Reunion over the Easter Weekend.  Family LEVEL 9000!!!  Worth every bit for those precious hours together.  This is good...because I am deeply in hock until such time as I get all the extra charges paid off.  I have resolved to be a much smarter traveller in the future.
  • I dented my car today.  I am (strangely?) not all that upset about it.
  • I'm dating.  Kim and other ladies.
  • I'm corresponding.  With Kim and other ladies.
  • I'm cohabiting with my Barely Housebroken Teenage Son.  But only on the days he has College Classes.  My goal is to get him accustomed to not needing a ride everywhere.  Starting with how to use Transit.  Baby Steps, Baby Steps...

More on all the above (and that's just TODAY). Later.

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