"Keep a Journal: How else are you going to get a good look at who you were?"

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

12 Feb, 2002
I just checked out the "writings and ramblings" archive disk I've been meaning to dump back into this system's HD...mostly old resume's -- boring stuff!!! Will check out some journal entries and some of my 'political' rantings and see if I can come up with anything interesting...

I am also writing a book about cycle commuting for beginners...working title "how I lost 40 lbs sitting on my ass"...THAT oughta get 'em...mebbe I'll push it out here and see what kind of feedback flies...

My little son (3 years old, "trained" and terribly cute) is insisting we go outside now...I have to finish up the rebuild on my Schwinn hardtail...so I think I will write more tomorrow.

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